50岁:斯普林菲尔德人文学科杰出教授 | 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站-十大赌博信誉的平台


Aug. 9, 2022


我希望这封邮件发现你一切都好,并希望你享受夏天. 本学年, I will be humbly serving as the 杰出的斯普林菲尔德人文学科教授 (DSPH). I’m excited and honored to continue this proud tradition of preserving our guiding Humanics philosophy and examining its implications through a perspective of my choice, 就像在我之前的杰出教授所做的那样.

On June 23, 2022, the nation celebrated the 50th anniversary of the signing of 1972年教育修正案第九条. 我的项目名为 第九条50岁:教育 & Advocate, will focus on educating our College and the greater community about this important civil rights law that provides access and equality in education to all. A second component of my project will be to encourage the community to advocate for the preservation and strengthening of this important law.

With the support of a group of campus and community members I recruited to serve on my DSPH Team, I plan to provide numerous educational events that will intertwine with the programming offered throughout the year by the Title IX Commemoration Steering Committee and the 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站的反歧视倡议办公室. I also hope to encourage the campus community to get involved in my project's educate and advocate components!

To educate about Title IX, I will host a series of events and provide information, including:

  • Webcasts: Dropped on the 9th of every month from September to April will be interviews conducted with a diverse group of individuals (e.g., expert/historian, researcher, 性侵受害者, students, former coach, 体育董事, 和a/十大赌博信誉的平台的第九条协调员). 受访者将提供教育信息, 讲述一个关于第九条如何影响他们的个人故事, 并分享一条关于如何倡导第九条的建议. 第一次网络直播将于9月9日播出. 9, will feature me sharing my personal Title IX story as former 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 Head Softball Coach.
  • 社交媒体和学院网站: Information can be found with regard to Title IX events, photos, archives, and resources. Please consider following us on Facebook (@SCTitleIX) and Instagram (@SCTitleIX) and regularly checking our website, 在斯普林菲尔德大学庆祝50岁的机会.
  • 文章和故事: Page nine of every edition of The Springfield Student newspaper will feature stories, 第九条事实, archival content, 历史时间线.
  • Reading Trail校园草坪上的标志将突出教育法第九条的信息.
  • Golf Cart Rides:类似于“现金出租车”," I will give students a ride to class while asking questions about Title IX for the opportunity to earn prizes! 更多细节即将到来.

Title IX impacts many, if not all, academic programs offered by 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站. 于是,另一个机会来了 educate 涉及到十大赌博信誉的平台教师的支持. 我恭敬地邀请教职员工将第九条与他们的课程联系起来, 如果他们还没有这么做的话, 帮助教育十大赌博信誉的平台的学生. 我的研究生课程, 博士学位670:监督和指导, will include discussion on Title IX and its impact on athletics and physical education. I also will require the students to complete an opinion/reflective paper on how Title IX will or has impacted them professionally, 包括分享他们的教育计划, comply, 或在他们未来担任主管或导师的角色中倡导第九条. I have provided 第九条资源 你可能会发现有用的材料. 此资源将不断更新. I encourage faculty who add Title IX content to their course(s) to contact me via email (kmangano@springfield.edu)对你所做的提供一个简短的描述(视觉的/书面的), 我会给你寄一件《十大赌博信誉的平台》t恤,货到最后!

Regarding the advocate 项目组成部分, I welcome members of the 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 community to create an advocacy project to help educate, secure, 和/或加强第九条. 请发邮件给我(kmangano@springfield.edu) for a link to the Title IX Advocacy Project Registration form to sign up and for details. 宣传项目可以单独完成, in small groups, 作为课堂作业, 作为一个运动队, 或者通过组织和俱乐部, etc. All who register to complete a project will receive a Title IX T-shirt while supplies last! 此外,完成了300级健康课程的学生 & 体育素养课程,就能挣得一分 健康护照 stamp(s). 提交表格将被发送给符合条件的学生. 报名截止日期为1月10日. 15, 2023. 最后,我将主持一个 第九条行动倡导活动 on Thursday, Feb. 2023年9月9日晚7点至9点.m. 在克利夫兰东部. and Phyllis B. 校园联盟躲闪室 让人们展示他们的项目! All are welcome. 在日历上做记号!

I look forward to continuing our year-long celebration of this important anniversary. I welcome you to join me in the celebration by engaging in actions that educate and advocate for Title IX, 无论是校内还是校外. And, beyond this year, engage in strengthening our campus culture of expressing appreciation for others, 善意地拥抱包容的文化, inviting dissent, and helping to support and preserve the understanding of--and the sense of pride in—our distinctive Humanics philosophy.

Thank you in advance, especially to my DSPH Team for their counsel and assistance! 如有问题或意见,请联系我.

Kathy Mangano




Patsy Takemoto Mink (1927-2002)

帕齐·明克是第一位当选为美国总统的有色人种女性.S. 夏威夷于1959年成为美国的一个州. 她是第一位在国会任职的亚裔美国女性. 除了起草《十大赌博信誉的平台》之类的法案, 《十大赌博靠谱信誉网站》, 明克是第一位竞选美国总统的亚裔美国人.S. president. Read more on the History, Art & Archives Web page and the 国家妇女历史博物馆 Web page.


1954年当选,被认为是第九条之母.S. Rep. 伊迪丝·格林(俄勒冈州民主党), 是一位强有力的教育倡导者吗, 以及为女性争取同工同酬和机会. Green held landmark 1970 hearings that became the legislative foundation for Title IX. 我是格林在夏威夷的初级同事, Patsy Mink, said on Title IX’s 25th anniversary: “The origins of Title IX began in a series of hearings on sex discrimination … led by Congresswoman Edith Green, 谁是教育特别小组委员会的主席.” Read more on the History, Art & Archives Web page and the 全国妇女民主俱乐部 Web page.


U.S. Sen. 伯奇·贝赫(印第安纳州民主党人)是第九条的主要拥护者, 并起草了这项具有里程碑意义的联邦立法的措辞. Additionally, he was a chief sponsor in the Senate of the failed Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), which would have provided Constitutional protections against sex-based discrimination had it passed. He also was the architect of two significant constitutional amendments: the 25th, which addresses presidential disability and vice presidential vacancies; and the 26th, 哪项法案赋予18岁的年轻人在联邦和州选举中投票的权利. Read more on the NCAA Web page.


Known as the “Godmother of Title IX,” Bernice Sandler, EdD, fought for women’s rights in education. She was the educational specialist for the House of Representatives Special Subcommittee on Education. She soon wrote the first federal policy report in education about discrimination based on gender. 1972年,她的努力促成了第九条教育修正案的通过. Read more on the 国家妇女历史博物馆 Web page.

Edward M. “泰德”肯尼迪(1932-2009)

The impact of Sen. Ted Kennedy on Title IX was significant, and his role as a powerful member of the U.S. Senate helped see to its passage, and then to keep the bill strong in ensuing years. Kennedy was a key supporter of 1972年教育修正案第九条, and, 随着它的通过, used his leadership role in the Senate to fight efforts throughout the years to amend the law, 限制其执行, 以及挫败其他推翻或削弱立法的企图. 他成为1987年民权恢复法案背后的主要力量, 在一场毁灭性的战争之后重新颁布了第九条, 最高法院的狭义判决, which among other results removed Title IX coverage from all intercollegiate athletics in this country. Read more on espn.com.

DID YOU KNOW? Sen. Kennedy received an honorary Doctor of Humanics from 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 and was its Commencement speaker in 2006. 他的弟弟约翰. Kennedy, received an honorary Doctor of Laws from 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 and was its Commencement speaker in 1956.